Thursday, July 2, 2009

My sister

07/19/09 So I have been here with my sis for about two weeks. You throws up at least twice a day and pretty much just stays in her room. She has tons of food aversions but can eat random things. so I cook various things and bring them to her. Here is what she has liked:cornbread muffins, rhodes rolls with pb, tuna, sausage, tomatoes, pistachio, avcado & scrambled egg, tortilla, trident gum, ritz crackers. and yesterday pumpkin pie (since its not Thanksgiving I made it and like always I burnt the crust). She is 12 weeks and seems on the up. Things she is doing to help alleviate the discomfort:digestzen essential oil supplement by doterra and rubs it on her stomach for gas and slow digestion. Reed ginger brew extra strength (26 g), warm water, heating pad. She constantly drinks cranberry juice cocktail and though she occasionally has extra saliva she doesn't have the constant need to spit (pytalism). She now has a canker sore though.

The DOCTOR-UGH not a sympathizer to say the least might be a good guy but completely lacked professionalism and knowledge when it came down to disease process and palliative tx He had the NERVE to say "well, you won't die" which my sister responded "I feel like I am dying" (My doctor of my daughter and first told me "It will kill you before it kills the baby" referring to the vomitting-Thanks-quite reassuring) Here is med he suggested (Reglan,dropendol-make you calmMJ taking it when died, compazine, Tigan of course he mentioned the non helpful ones as well). I thin) (if I attempt a pregnancy) I will start of with the reglan and zofran mix from the beginning and then maybe do some dropendol (who wouldn't want to be calm durning the vomitting process? ) and maybe even some prednisone.

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